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The South West Tourism Alliance will help keep you in touch with all the important tourism related events and developments in the South West and beyond. The South West Tourism Alliance has three main methods of communicating with you:


  • We have nearly 7,500 Twitter followers on @SWTourAlliance and we only use this medium to send you useful B2B information. If you are not following please do so.

  • We have nearly 9,000 email addresses to send out newsletters to. These advise of upcoming tourism related events, major items of interest and developments within the South West visitor economy. If you want to be on this list please contact us.

  • Twice yearly meetings are held to update Members on all that is happening within the region that may affect, positively or negatively their businesses. We will also update you on lobbying activities and what the Alliance has been up to on your behalf. There is no attendance fee for Members, non-Members may be charged for attending. 

  • We actively lobby on your behalf at every opportunity, making sure that the South West is not treated as a poor cousin particularly when it comes to Government policy on Tourism.


Membership is free, we currently believe that it is easier to generate sufficient funds through fund-raising dinners and sponsorship than to try and work out a fair paying Membership scheme for different sizes of businesses and then manage annual collection of same. As demands change this may change, currently though there is no Membership fee.

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